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Kakimbek Salykov

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”

In his poems and poems there is always a person

in its unity with nature, with all the splendor of the world,

and therefore the man-creator strives always forward,

captivating people to the mysteries of the universe

and artistic creativity.


Galym Zhailybai



Today there is no person in Kazakhstan who does not know the name of Kakimbek Salykov. His works have been translated into Russian, Uzbek, Uighur, Tajik and other languages. Salykov has lines, the actual confirmation of which was his bright life: - “How can I not be proud of my fate, which is not familiar with peace ...”. This name symbolizes Kazakh poetry. The great son of the Kazakh land and the Kazakh people, generously endowed with love and himself endowed them with a bright talent.

About the work of our fellow countryman, who was born in the North Kazakhstan region, students of the F21-02 group - Makarov Egor, Usenov Salim, Barankulova Amina, Petrova Sofia (Curator Volkhina T. V.) prepared a virtual exhibition "The soul of the poet" The poet's work touches the heart of everyone person. Love for the motherland, for native places, each poet expresses in his own way. Citizenship of Kakimbek Salykov's poems is born from the depth of knowledge of life, from concern for the fate of man. Salykov's poetry included many pages of the biography of our contemporary - military childhood, the conquest of space, creative work in the name of the present and future.

The life path of Kakimbek Salykov is a reflection of the era, but, as a poet and as a citizen, he belongs not only to the Soviet era. A life-giving fire beats in his poems and poems, connected, first of all, with a peculiar, poetic perception of the world. 


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