CSE on the REC "The North Kazakhstan higher medical college"
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At the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Republic Day in the Regional Museum of Local Lore.

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”At the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the Republic Day in the Regional Museum of Local Lore.

Education of patriotism among students is one of the priorities of our state. Great importance in its solution is attached to the study of the process of formation of independence of Kazakhstan. Theoretical classes on the history of Kazakhstan, as well as extracurricular activities organized by college teachers, together with the regional Museum of Local lore, are devoted to this. The result of such cooperation was the participation of college students in the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the Republic Day.

The events of the North Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local History significantly expand the horizons, allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Today, the museum was visited by students of the department "Medical Business - 1" of group F22-02 together with the teacher of socio-economic disciplines Volkhina T.V. The children listened to the guide's story, got acquainted with the exhibits of the museum's exhibition halls, gave an interview to the regional TV channel MTRK. The Museum of Local History is waiting for everyone to take free thematic excursions. We encourage everyone to visit the museum during these holidays.

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”

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