CSE on the REC "The North Kazakhstan higher medical college"
Official website

Day of knowledge


Autumn starts with the most exciting and solemn holiday of the day of Knowledge, the purpose of which is the formation of the younger generation of the cult of education and the creation of a festive atmosphere before the new school year.

On September 1, 2019, the doors of the College were traditionally opened to the students of the new set. At the solemn line of students welcomed the Deputy Director for academic Affairs Terre E. G.

After that, the students of the new set passed for their first curatorial hour.

Ну вот, теперь и ты студент,
И это здорово, поверь,
Наступил тот радостный момент,
Открыта в будущее дверь!

Желаем в знание нырнуть
И хорошо всегда учиться!
Пройди достойно этот путь,
Чтоб  ты собою мог гордиться!


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