CSE on the REC "The North Kazakhstan higher medical college"
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The Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated on October 25.

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”The Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated on October 25.

This is the special point from which the formation and development of our state is counted, a turning point in the history of Kazakhstan. The state has a Declaration of Independence – it is such an important document that reflects all the main principles, from human to political principles. It was on this day that a solid foundation was laid on which we are now building our free society, in which equality and respect for each other reign. There are personal holidays that are of great importance to a person and people close to him, but in addition there are national holidays that are celebrated throughout the country. They are of great importance for every person living in it, they reflect his history. The library of the North Kazakhstan Higher Medical College presents the book exhibition "Biz sizderman birge turatyn el" "The country where we live with you", dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students should know how the state in which we all live developed and grew, understand its principles and ideas so that history does not seem to be just a part of the past. That past which can give nothing to the present. In order for them to know their roots, to know how the society of which they are a part was formed. The Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a holiday of our constantly developing state, because we have achieved a lot over the years, and we will achieve even more.


Цвети, мой край родной!

Цвети,мой Казахстан!

Живи мечтой одной,

Красив твой величавый стан!

Шумные реки,высокие горы,

Бескрайны твои земные просторы.

Озера и степи,густые леса-

Все это есть,мой край, у тебя.

Поэты великие тебя воспевали!

Природу твою они описали,

Но словом не выразить сущность твою!

За это тебя,мой край, и люблю.

Тебя я запомню на долгие годы,

Твой ветер порывистый,горные воды,

Как от озер отражается заря,

И как весной цветут поля.

Я ни на что тебя не променяю.

Ты будешь долго жить,я это знаю!

Цвети и дальше,процветай!

Тебя люблю, родной мой край

                                                                            Кристина Ушкалова

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”

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