CSE on the REC "The North Kazakhstan higher medical college"
Official website

On 25-30.03.2022, the West Kazakhstan Higher Medical College organized and held an online International Student Olympiad

КГП на ПХВ “Северо-Казахстанский высший медицинский колледж” КГУ “УЗ акимата СКО”

On 25-30.03.2022, the West Kazakhstan Higher Medical College organized and held an online International Student Olympiad "Emergency Care" in the specialty "Medical care",



in which our student also took part. Having demonstrated theoretical knowledge and practical skills, student Boyko Vadim took the honorable III place. Teachers of special disciplines Lagovskaya O.S., Bykovskaya T.V., Smilova Zh.B., Tere E.G., Amangeldin K.S., Verevkina E.A. were engaged in the preparation of the prize-winner. Congratulations to the prize-winner and teachers!

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